NKJV Audio Bible Free App - Collection of New King James Bible (NKJV) audios. The FASTEST Bible app and most efficient way to listen & realize the NKJV Bible. The NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV) maintains the King James style and accuracy but has up-to-date English. It is the best modern translation for study and is also good for devotional reading. Many excellent study Bibles utilize the NKJV. The translators used the traditionally received texts of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek with textual notes, and followed a literal (word-for-word) translation method. You can study the New KJV Bible with this app. No book, no read, just listen on you device, whenever you want. If your schedule is very busy and you basically do not own a single minute to sit and learn on Bible then the NKJV Audio Bible Free App is the best solution for you. Install this app on your device now. Its absolutely FREE!!!